Configuration Template
If you lost the original configuration, this should help!
// ####################################################################################################
// # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
// # | , , , , , , , __ ___ , , | #
// # | | | | |\ | \ / | \ |__ \ / | #
// # | | | | \| / \ |__/ |___ \/ | #
// # | | #
// # | | #
// # | Product: Athena Bot | #
// # | Version: 1.0.0 | #
// # | Config: Command Maker | #
// # | | #
// # | | #
// # | New options are added to this file automatically. | #
// # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
// ####################################################################################################
config: {
// This addon allows you to create custom commands/buttons.
// This configuration file starts with the configuration of
// custom commands:
commands: {
// The id of this custom command (String)
// Format: "<id>": { ... },
// You can add up to 5 custom commands. Please note that
// the command name must be unique and no command can
// be overriden
"ip": {
// The name of your command (String)
command_name: "ip",
// Command description (String)
command_description: "Displays the ip of our Minecraft server",
// The permissions that are required for this command to
// be able to execute it. This addon hooks into the core
// permission config and works the exact same way as any
// other commands or interactions. For more information
// please visit the permission config. The following option
// requires a role from the "permission_levels" list unless
// the built in permission system is disabled, then it will
// be ignored (String)
command_permission: "everyone",
// The response for this command
command_message_response: {
// Whenever the command is being executed a message
// will be sent. This message must be configured using
// the /sendmsg and /editmsg command in your Discord.
// Once you have configured a message to your liking
// press the save button to assign your message design
// a specified predefined message id which you must
// put down below (String)
predefined_message_id: "ip_test",
// If you want to send any files with this message
// put the path of the file in the following Array.
// The file path always starts at the executed file,
// in this case "index.js". It is the file which you
// start the bot with (Array)
files: [],
// List of components you want to apply on the sent
// message. These components can only be buttons at
// the time being. All custom buttons must be
// configured below under the "components" configuration
// option. This configuration option requires a list
// of component ids. There's a limit of 25 components
// per message by Discord (Array)
components: ["server_information"],
// Whether the sent message should be ephemeral - only
// visible to the user who executed the command (Boolean)
ephemeral: false,
// The actions that are executed when the command is being
// executed. You can add unlimited actions. The following
// actions are available (types):
// * "CHANNEL_SEND" - Sends the response message to a different channel
// * "ROLE_APPLY" - Applies a role to the executor
// * "ROLE_REMOVE" - Removes a role from the executor
// All actions require a target. The target is the ID of the
// channel or role. Format:
// {
// type: "<type>",
// target: "<target_id>",
// },
// If you just like to send a respond message set actions to []. (Array)
actions: [
type: "ROLE_APPLY",
target: "804354037662220289",
// Message components configuration. For the time being only custom
// buttons can be configured. Stay tuned for more in the future!
// These components can be either applied on a message sent by
// custom commands or all of them can be applied on any other message
// sent in your Discord by the bot via the "/buttons" command.
components: {
// The id of this custom component (String)
// Format: "<id>": { ... },
// You can add unlimited custom components. Please note that
// the component names must be unique and no component can
// be overriden
"server_information": {
// Component type. Must be "BUTTON" at the time being (String)
type: "BUTTON",
// The text displayed on this button (String)
button_name: "Info",
// The emoji displayed at this button. Set it to false if
// this button should not have a displayed emoji (String)
button_emoji: "đ",
// Button Type. The type of the button defines which color
// is used at the background (String)
// It must be one of the following:
// * Primary - Blue color
// * Secondary - Gray color
// * Success - Green color
// * Danger - Red color
// * Link - Link button
button_type: "DANGER",
// If the button type is set to "LINK" the button redirects
// the user a website or a link in general. This link must be
// configured below. This option will be ignored otherwise (String)
button_url: "",
// The permissions that are required for this component to
// be able to execute it. This addon hooks into the core
// permission config and works the exact same way as any
// other commands or interactions. For more information
// please visit the permission config. The following option
// requires a role from the "permission_levels" list unless
// the built in permission system is disabled, then it will
// be ignored (String)
button_permission: "everyone",
// The response for this component
button_message_response: {
// Whenever the component is being executed a message
// will be sent. This message must be configured using
// the /sendmsg and /editmsg command in your Discord.
// Once you have configured a message to your liking
// press the save button to assign your message design
// a specified predefined message id which you must
// put down below (String)
predefined_message_id: "server_information_test",
// If you want to send any files with this message
// put the path of the file in the following Array.
// The file path always starts at the executed file,
// in this case "index.js". It is the file which you
// start the bot with (Array)
files: [],
// List of components you want to apply on the sent
// message. These components can only be buttons at
// the time being. This configuration option requires
// a list of component ids. There's a limit of 25
// components per message by Discord (Array)
components: [],
// Whether the sent message should be ephemeral - only
// visible to the user who executed the command (Boolean)
ephemeral: true,
// Whether the message the component was attached too should
// be updated instead of a new one being sent (Boolean)
message_update: false,
// The actions that are executed when the command is being
// executed. You can add unlimited actions. The following
// actions are available (types):
// * "CHANNEL_SEND" - Sends the response message to a different channel
// * "ROLE_APPLY" - Applies a role to the executor
// * "ROLE_REMOVE" - Removes a role from the executor
// All actions require a target. The target is the ID of the
// channel or role. Format:
// {
// type: "<type>",
// target: "<target_id>",
// },
// If you just like to send a respond message set actions to []. (Array)
actions: [
type: "ROLE_APPLY",
target: "804354037662220289",
Last updated