Logging and some more features!
Table of Contents
The Management plugin is another big backbone for Athena, providing logging of user actions, channel, role, and member updates as well as providing some extra features like polls, channelstats, and more.
Log user activity: Track command usages, message edits, and more!
Auto-roles: Auto apply a role to people on join!
Auto Thread Reaction: New threads will have an upvote/downvote system when configured!
Auto Message Response: Set up a Regex pattern to respond automatically to messages using predefined messages!
Starboard: React to messages with a certain set emoji and after a threshold, the message will post elsewhere!
Scheduled Messages: Send a message every so often!
Welcome/Goodbye Messages: Say hi or goodbye to anyone that joins or leaves your server automatically!
Message and Embed Creation: Create your own messages and embeds and save them to ID's for later use!
Reaction Roles: Handle React Roles easier by adding buttons to bot messages!
Poll creation: Make more in depth polls!
Reminders: Get a reminder message sent after a specified time!
Role-all: Ever wanted to apply one role to everyone? Now you can!
Sticky Messages: Sticky a message from one of your predefined ones to keep it in chat!
Suggestions: Suggest something to a channel of your choice!
Channel Stats: Track members, bots, etc. using a channel of your choice!
No need to install! This plugin is already built into the bot!
A lot to configure here! From the welcoming/goodbye messages, to the auto-responses, amongst some other things.
If you're looking for the Management plugin commands, take a look here!
Hard Dependencies (disabling or removing breaks this plugin)
Soft Dependencies (can disable but might lose some functionality)
(Images may not reflect actual appearance due to customized bot)
Last updated