Thanks for Purchasing!
We appreciate your business and your trust in us!
Last updated
We appreciate your business and your trust in us!
Last updated
Athena is intended to be a Multi Purpose bot! From Music, to Moderation, to Staff Management and more!
"But wait!" you must be saying, "What about MultiBot?"
As cool as it was having a ton of features (and still having them now!), the codebase was getting old and dilapidated, and highly limiting for the future. It would have been hard adding more things to the framework if the rest of the bot was aging! So a whole rewrite was in order! And therefore, a lot of work had to be done for a couple months. And for the best news out of all this is...
Your license carries over from MultiBot to Athena just fine! No need for any extra work!
Yep! Really!
For those new here, Welcome, and we appreciate you giving us a shot! If you're ever in need of assistance, don't hesitate in reaching out to us!
Thank you, and hope you enjoy!
The Team at Iynx
BeeFour (dracopulse)
EinfachEmer (einfachemer)
gOOvER|AT (goover)
TheFlyingL (theflyingl)
Sewdohe (sewdohe)
Konrad (neokonrad9833)
Noct (noc.t)
CMRiddles (cmriddles) - For inspiring me to make the docs a lot better
gOOvER|AT (goover) - For making the Pterodactyl Egg that Athena runs on!
Discord: sewdohe
Discord: crazygameer
Discord: noc.t
Discord: zeroknightss
Discord: hlase